First Frost: A Secret Garden & Bugs from Hell

Secret Caladium Garden

Last year, my Mom and I stashed caladiums and geraniums in my cellar for the winter. Unfortunately, we remembered them fairly late in spring, and despite lots of water, they didn’t seem to resurrect. We did notice some eyes (sounds gross) in the caladium…

Missing: Goldfish (Sarasas, Comets, and Shubunkins)

The scene of the crime!

In the spring of 2014, I made the startling discovery that all the goldfish in my outdoor fish pond were gone. I dredged the pond for bodies, but I did not find any. I even had the pond drained and cleaned, and we didn’t…

Sometimes You Have to Get Real

I have been thinking about this post for a long time. In fact, I have written several versions in my mind, but none of them have made it into physical or digital form. As anyone visiting this blog can tell, I haven’t been writing…

What Have I Done?

Last fall a good friend of mine suggested that we offer our yard (and home) for the local historical organization’s box supper. She assured me that we would not have to worry about anything. The historical organization would take care of all the food,…

Flower Pockets & Bats Don’t Mix

Flower Pocket

Back in August I complained to my husband that we were in a boring routine. We pretty much were always working, recovering from work, or preparing for our first 5k. We had started Couch to 5k in April, and we had been very devoted…

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