Gardening Tools

As I find great gardening tools, I’ll post them here. As I drag out my existing tools, I’ll provide details about the ones I love. Plus, I’ll talk about new tools as I get them. This year, I’m buying a Mantis Tiller, which is a dream tool to me, so I’ll be sure to post about it. I haven’t been paid for any of these reviews, but if I am, I’ll let you know.

Japanese Hand Hoe

Last summer, I borrowed my Mom’s Japanese Hand Hoe. No, I didn’t borrow a prostitute, but it does sound that way! Mom heard about this type of hoe somewhere and ordered it from our local hardware store. I had my doubts that it was really all that special, but after my first use, I was sold. It is very sharp and sits at an angle, and it makes short order of the weeds in my veggie garden. Martha Stewart reviewed the Japanese Hand Hoe on her website.

Digz Gardening Gloves

Gardening gloves take a beating, especially with my long nails. My fingernails aren’t fancy. I don’t get manicures or even paint them, but I do let them grow until they start breaking, and then I cut them short. I usually poke holes in my gardening gloves within weeks. While standing in line at Home Depot one night, I gave into the Digz Signature Gloves. They looked fun (I love brightly-colored gardening gloves),and they felt even better. They made it through a month of torture, including being left out in the sun to dry after I rinsed them off really well. I’m curious to see how long they last into this summer.

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