Tough Tree Decisions

My heart breaks for my red sunset maple. Mom bought the tree for me in 2012, our first summer in our current and final home. She had the nursery plant it. She wanted me to have a nice big shade tree near my kitchen….

A Scrub Pine for Christmas

As I mentioned earlier this week, I like to bring a little vacation home with me. Though I was tempted to dig a scrub pine sapling on our October vacation in Florida, I refrained from breaking any laws. That didn’t mean that my scrub…

A Weekend of Trees

Note: This is a post I wrote in May that I never published, so better late than never! Cheap trees, a little tree, and a sick tree gobbled up my Memorial Day weekend. Though I had every intention of doing absolutely nothing during my…

Decorating with Fresh Greens

A little over a week ago, my husband stood in our front yard with a huge pile of long-needle white pine branches at his feet and asked, “Is this enough pine blood to satiate you?” I laughed and wondered if it was. We embellish…

A Measure of Growth

Bald Cypress Tree

The summer solstice, that celebration of summer and the longest day of the year, marked my 40th birthday. I had mixed feelings about the day. I did not know whether I should spend it with friends or just with my husband. Visions of vacations…

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