First Frost: A Secret Garden & Bugs from Hell

Secret Caladium Garden

Last year, my Mom and I stashed caladiums and geraniums in my cellar for the winter. Unfortunately, we remembered them fairly late in spring, and despite lots of water, they didn’t seem to resurrect. We did notice some eyes (sounds gross) in the caladium…

A Weekend of Trees

Note: This is a post I wrote in May that I never published, so better late than never! Cheap trees, a little tree, and a sick tree gobbled up my Memorial Day weekend. Though I had every intention of doing absolutely nothing during my…

Decorating with Fresh Greens

A little over a week ago, my husband stood in our front yard with a huge pile of long-needle white pine branches at his feet and asked, “Is this enough pine blood to satiate you?” I laughed and wondered if it was. We embellish…

What Have I Done?

Last fall a good friend of mine suggested that we offer our yard (and home) for the local historical organization’s box supper. She assured me that we would not have to worry about anything. The historical organization would take care of all the food,…

My Plants are in Rehab!

Rehab Plants

Yes, it has been forever since I posted. I have officially joined the ranks of bloggers who let their blogs languish. I started out with good intentions, but I let life get in the way (more details in posts to come), and then the…

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