Longing for a Change of Season

As always, I have reached the point where I am bored with summer. I’m over the 90 degree temperatures, plethora of bugs, and summer activities. While cookouts and swimming can be fun, I don’t enjoy either one when temperatures exceed 90 and the heat…

Garden Thoughts on Vacation

Frost Pottery Garden

What do garden nerds do on vacation? They lust after gardens in other, warmer zones. They consider bringing back native plants. They purchase goods for the garden. On my last trip to Cape San Blas, Florida, I did all three. Cape San Blas is…

It’s Good to Have Goals

Once upon a time

Last week, I signed up for NaNoWriMo. For those of you not in the know, NaNoWriMo is an acronym for National Novel Writing Month. Throughout the month of November, aspiring writers all over the nation participate in the NaNoWriMo contest with the goal of…

Breaking Frodo Out of the Box

Don’t all women want a Frodo doll for Christmas? Frodo was all I wanted for Christmas 2001, the year Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring released in theaters. My poor husband (then boyfriend) went to a “nerd” store to purchase this special…

The Next Evolution

Lately, I have been feeling an intense need for change. Waiting for perfect conditions in order to embark on new adventures just isn’t realistic. Dreams of traveling through Tuscany for two or three weeks remain dreams. Thoughts about devoting considerable time to writing a…

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