My Plants are in Rehab!

Rehab Plants

Yes, it has been forever since I posted. I have officially joined the ranks of bloggers who let their blogs languish. I started out with good intentions, but I let life get in the way (more details in posts to come), and then the…

A Very Mossy Experiment

The Moss Milkshake Experiment

You know you are a total gardening nerd when a friend gives you a Moss Milkshake as a birthday gift, and you love it! You might be asking what a Moss Milkshake is. I know I did. When I first looked at the milk…

The Mosses of Fairyland

The Mosses of Fairyland

Once upon a time, in a town not so far away, I had a lawn nazi neighbor. He scowled about my dandelions and told me how I needed to weed and feed my lawn with chemicals in order to protect his lawn. I gave…

Caught by Surprise

Japonica in full bloom

Spring catches me by surprise. I don’t know how it happens every year, but it does. I’m always certain that I have a few more weeks before yard work begins full force, and then smack, here’s spring! Last year, spring came about a month…

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