A Scrub Pine for Christmas

As I mentioned earlier this week, I like to bring a little vacation home with me. Though I was tempted to dig a scrub pine sapling on our October vacation in Florida, I refrained from breaking any laws. That didn’t mean that my scrub…

Garden Thoughts on Vacation

Frost Pottery Garden

What do garden nerds do on vacation? They lust after gardens in other, warmer zones. They consider bringing back native plants. They purchase goods for the garden. On my last trip to Cape San Blas, Florida, I did all three. Cape San Blas is…

‘Tis the Season


Crunching across the yard that I do not rake reminds me of all that I love about this time of year. Yes, yes, yes, I love all the stereotypical things about fall: pumpkin spice everything, fall colors, fall clothes, and the list goes on…

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