What Monsters Are You Feeding?

Dragon Graphic

In November of this year, I took a break from Facebook, my first break since 2016. Over the past three years, I have managed Facebook groups and pages without a meaningful rest. I was exhausted. My break restored my attention span and my patience,…

Farewell, My Love

Kip asleep

My beautiful Rudyard Kipling passed away on Monday, September 5th at the age of 18 years and 5 months. Writing those words conjures a certain sense of finality, yet those words do not express the depth of my sadness and loss. I have put…

‘Tis the Season


Crunching across the yard that I do not rake reminds me of all that I love about this time of year. Yes, yes, yes, I love all the stereotypical things about fall: pumpkin spice everything, fall colors, fall clothes, and the list goes on…

A Grand Adventure

After some serious soul-searching, many pro/con lists, and discussions with my husband, I decided to leave full-time work for my first-ever career break. Yesterday, I said my goodbyes to co-workers and clients, tied off loose ends, and deleted my workstation profile. Today I embark…

The Next Evolution

Lately, I have been feeling an intense need for change. Waiting for perfect conditions in order to embark on new adventures just isn’t realistic. Dreams of traveling through Tuscany for two or three weeks remain dreams. Thoughts about devoting considerable time to writing a…

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