Breaking Frodo Out of the Box

Don’t all women want a Frodo doll for Christmas? Frodo was all I wanted for Christmas 2001, the year Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring released in theaters. My poor husband (then boyfriend) went to a “nerd” store to purchase this special…

Returning to Night Owl Life

Despite my best intentions to remain on my husband’s schedule, I find myself slipping. The pull of staying up later and sleeping in later overwhelms me. The past few days I have allowed myself to wake up naturally around 10:30 a.m., and I feel…

Grand Adventure: My First Monday

Writing and walking

Yesterday marked my first Monday without employment in over 19 years. Though I had every intention of waking up early with my husband, I did decide to sleep later after all. During the weekend, I didn’t have a marathon sleep night, and I deserved…

A Weekend of Trees

Note: This is a post I wrote in May that I never published, so better late than never! Cheap trees, a little tree, and a sick tree gobbled up my Memorial Day weekend. Though I had every intention of doing absolutely nothing during my…

A Grand Adventure

After some serious soul-searching, many pro/con lists, and discussions with my husband, I decided to leave full-time work for my first-ever career break. Yesterday, I said my goodbyes to co-workers and clients, tied off loose ends, and deleted my workstation profile. Today I embark…

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